Month: March 2010

  • FanVixens Party at the Hive

    I had a great time. I partied so hard, I still have no voice! Lol. My sister said it was because I was laughing so much...haha.

    ^First batch of loves; Mika Casimir, Boogs, Jenny
    ^I don't remember this, but I'm sure he was asking for it.

    ^I changed my outfit at the last minute. I was originally going to wear a Bettie Page dress, but my sister thought it wasn't sexy enough so I bought this: Dress-LVLX, Boots-Jeffrey Campbell, Belt-Bebe, Gloves- Hot Topic and Ebay (2pairs)

    The beautiful Vima showed up! Things were so hectic, I didn't even get a pic with her, but I partied with her the following night. Love this girl! Justine worked the door for us at the last minute.

    ^I was so happy! Brenda showed up from Cabo! I had no idea she would've been able to show up. Everyone, She-hulk. She was actually still taller than me with my super tall shoes and her chucks. haha.

    ^I'm not sure who was more wasted, me or Boogs. Well, maybe boogs.
    Well, maybe me. haha.
    ^I'm posing like there's something there. Lol. I have no idea. Ta da!^Pretty Laura also showed up. Her sister is sitting behind me. I was so drunk I forgot to take a pic with her! I forgot to get all the girls together for a group shot! I guess I was more wasted here than I was at my Living Dolls Book signing. Which I thought would've been impossible.From the Living Dolls book, Sphinx. She's so cute, I just want to put her in my purse and take her home with me. =)Bestie from 6th-8th grade made it out. She was actually down to drive with my drunk belligerent ass to Soon Tofu and she sat through out drunken conversations. While being quite sober. Lol. That's love.With my girl, Nikki! I don't know why the new canon point n shoot does this weird white balancing when using flash sometimes.She's going to be  my partner in crime victim of  crime in the FanVixens 2011. You old school movie buffs are going flip!Before closing up, we took some mushroom pics.Guess that's all. I had a blast. Thanks to everyone who made it out!I have more to post about the party the following night, but I'm tired of uploading pics.

  • Friday, March 12th... Come Join Us!

    Come party with me and my girls!I don't have much time to write a full post, so I'll just update this later. About to head out to dinner. xoThanks for all the love. I've been super busy. I haven't caught up with all of you yet, but hope you have a great week.

  • The Past Alice Themed Gallery was Awesome

    First, here was my piece displayed in the Ink Pen Mutations room for the Alice in Wonderland themed show at The Hive Gallery in Downtown Los Angeles...
    ^"Liaisons of the Red Queen"
    I had so much fun at the Alice and Wonderland themed show at the hive over the weekend. I got to get decked out in an Alice themed costume, and I chose the mad hatter as a last minute decision because I'd been dieing to rock this wig for ages.

    The house was packed with lots of folks dressed for the theme. I literally felt like I was in some sort of strange alternate universe. Like I had stepped through some looking glass into this...So I check out our gallery space to see the dope as mushroom couch that  Blaine and his friend had been working on. I was totally impressed. I  had no idea how massive it was! To top it off, there was a giant bearded  Alice perched on it, taking photos with folks for a nickle a pop.  Luckily, I had a 25 1/2 cents.

    ...Giant Alice in the Wonderland of the Orient
    This Alice is really a giant. I think like 7ft or something crazy!...A contortionist joined in on the fun. I meet contortionists everywhere I go. Lol. You can usually spot them wearing spandex all twisted up in an eye-catching spot.When the gallery ended, we had to shoot photos from the back of the awesome mushroom couch!Lol, give me a lil wine and I become a ham.The card on the hat reads "In This Style 10/6" I added card to the sweet hat that the super talented Kim Tia made for me last year. =)^Hark! Who goes there? I think it's safe to assume that I was pretty tipsy here.^A bra we found out in the alley ?Artist turned model. My new muse, Brandon. lol^The dude who runs the show at the Hive GalleryForgot to switch back the settings on the camera. Me and sideshow bob. haha.Yeah we're jackasses.^an awesome piece I happened upon before we closed up the gallery.Oh yeah, just for good measure here's the makeup I did for my Liaisons of the Red Queen shoot. The makeup actually didn't take that long. It just took a while to do the brows because I covered them with brow wax and drew them in higher.  But basically, I just caked on foundation 2 shades lighter than my face then dusted it with a generous amount of Makeup forever hd powder. Lips were painted on with a brush using occ liptar. Bloody mary red shadow and Urban decay shadow in Vapor. Urban decay eyeliner in yayo for lower water line then I drew fake lower lashes with Urban Decay black liquid eyeliner. Blush was Bare Minerals in Velvet. Red lashes from Hollywood Halloween shop.

    That's all.

    I'm excited for my party coming up this Friday  the 12th.It's going to be more fun than the Alice party. The mushroom chair will still be there. Who wants to join me on it? =)

    Hope everyone has a great week. Thanks for the concern in regards to the last post. I won't post the comments though because I don't need to add fuel to the unwanted fire. Smh.